
Category: Charity

Google Ad Grants for Charities & Nonprofits: How can I get Google Ads for free?

Google Ad Grants are available for charities and nonprofits – offering them funding for digital advertising that they may be otherwise unable to afford. These grants enable you to raise the profile of your organisation, increase your donation revenue, attract volunteers, and much more!

Accessibility: How we approach web development for disabled people’s organisations

The COVID pandemic put more pressure than ever before on businesses to stay ahead of the digital curve and ensure that their content is accessible to all.

Raising the curtain on what makes a great theatre website

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only shown how reliant we are on digital tools, but that these digital tools have become the primary way people engage with information and connect with others.

Pioneering women in the digital industry (and wider world)

From uplifting LGBTQ+ icons to leading pioneers in SEO and programming – for International Women’s Day, we discuss the women who’ve had a profound impact on our lives and perspectives.

Inclusivity: How to make your brand inclusive of trans and non-binary folks

Gender diversity is becoming a bigger part of the public consciousness; becoming more accepting of this diversity as a society involves promoting inclusivity in a variety of different ways, including the ways brands choose to market themselves.

Splitpixel teams up with school in new green initiative

We’ve been tree planting with our friends at Middleton Primary School – take a look at our environmental efforts!